hatiffone - it is high-quality connection,
with possibility - substitutions of number


We vыnuzhdenы konstatyrovat fact that the Quantity hacker attacks on Asterisk PBX type in the last 2-3 months znachytelno UVELYCHYLYS! Zloumыshlennyky, yspolzuya SPECIAL skanerы, k is like poluchayut access equipment, after which osuschestvlyayut "plums" in traffic volume of at ohromnыh number in different countries world, harantyruyuschyh receipt vozmeschenyya Calls for Inbox. Usually podobnыe Actions proyzvodyatsya night, at a time when control of the PBX co owners of the parties weakened or altogether absent. Unfortunately, prosmatryvaetsya REAL trend of increase in numbers of k wanting Get access k strange SIP-equipment.

For ysklyuchenyya podobnыh possibility of cases in the system is put into operation SPECIAL module ymeyuschyy view to Lock zvonyascheho expense or ego IP in the event osuschestvlenyya Calls, using Data expense in sip-free in oboznachennыy promezhutok time. In the event of such appointment promezhutka and Enabling Lock preferred method even when obtaining access zloumыshnnykamy k Vashem PBX at osuschestvlenyy Calls Sending SMS or expense or IP zvonyascheho will zablokyrovan in techenyy 10 minutes maximum, something predotvraschaet Using funds Vasheho expense and "plums" traffic. Inclusion and vыklyuchenye dannoy Fitness Options podtverzhdaetsya otlychnыm from the main password, something not daet opportunity vыklyuchenyya Fitness Options If even zloumыshlennyky ymeyut access k Vashem account.

As well remind you that in the excellence of many from the second VoIP-systems - sip-free operates SPECIAL ohranychytel, closing opportunity osuschestvlenyya Calls for achievements balance value, the expense, Technology and k zero, even in the event generation odnovremennыh mnozhestvennыh Calls with a SIP-room with a view "plum" traffic. In the outcome, along with Fitness Options for Blocking expense of time during the days we predostavlyaem svoym client truly nadezhnыy mechanism such zloumыshlennykov and hackers.

Novaya Fitness Options for improving the Level Security

Vneshnyaya Register - a SIP-Register on third party servers analohychnaya Join beloved second SIP-equipment - phone, adapter, PBX.

When osuschestvlennoy vneshney Join in Calls on vneshnyy SIP-number to kotorыy been osuschestvlena vneshnyaya registration, bell act on inner SIP-number in our system. Ie If, for example, you ymeete or a straight, mobile number to third-party system (for example, Multifon), pereadresovannыy on SIP-number at some lybo Different sip-free after osuschestvlenyya vneshney rehystartsyy At this number You smozhete prynymat Calls to the number in our system of co everyone add. opportunities - pereadresatsyey, pereadresatsyey on AONu, avtootvetchyka inclusion and p

External SIP-Join accessibility menu "SIP-room."

The system is now on the accessibility of External Join stronnyh SIP-servers!


The substitution rooms
For calls to mobile and fixed phones, as well as substitution rooms when sending sms.
Play your friends or check how true to you Your girl...

Cheap calls around the world
Call the from 0.001$ without a payment for connection and compulsory deposits. Call without restrictions on time ALL OVER THE WORLD!!! Save on calls to 99%
The system allows to choose the operator 's/gateway and parameters of price and quality in each direction, go to control panel, settings section.
We have the cheapest calls.
Cheaper only silence.

Free calls
This is just the bomb, call on all SIP numbers throughout the world, on any sip provider absolutely free of charge!
Calls within the system SIP numbers are free of charge. The system users can free to call or receive calls from subscribers of other SIP providers, and also to call on Skype or with him ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE!

Sending SMS-messages
You can send sms messages with any number!
It is also possible to send as the single and group messages, from our site, our program or mobile callback-interface. There is a possibility to send using the API.

Direct numbers
IN any country of the world! It is simply unrealistic, but with us it is possible!
you have the opportunity to get direct number in any point of the earth!
Order direct number in any country of the world and you will be able to receive calls Of your clients with a direct number to your SIP-room or on your mobile or a landline phone.

The quality communication
We have the most technologically advanced the equipment, which improves the quality of communication and the transmission of voice.
100% quality tested by thousands of users, who managed to evaluate our services.
Was Your turn, because the future depends only on you!

The callback
You can order her to your landline or mobile phone from your computer or from your mobile phone in the mobile interface in which you will specify two numbers - Your and the called number.
Using our system You can easily and quickly organize your negotiating item in the all programs and advice for the installation, configuration Will be provided to you absolutely free of charge!

And it is far not all of our services!!!

Example of connection to the system software phone Pangolin

Developer - Portsip
Terms of use - Freeware
Supported Operating System - Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Seven
Note: the program requires .NET Framework 2.0 or above
Supported features: audio/video calls, text messaging, presence service
Supported codecs: G.723, G.729, G.711, GSM, ilbc, H.263, H.264

After installation when you first start the program asks for the registration data for the connection:

Example of connection to the system software phone Pangolin


3CX is a software- based pbx that replaces traditional proprietary hardware pbx or office mini-ATS with access to telephone network of general use. Ip pbx from the company 3CX was developed specifically to work under os Microsoft Windows and is based on the sip standard, which simplifies the management and allows you to use any Sip phone (software or hardware).



Pangolin - this is the only free software telephone with such opportunities. Its development the company is engaged Portsip. Its main disadvantage is the lack of stability. But, since developers are constantly working on the improvement of the product, we can hope for a more stable releases already in the near future.



THE X-Lite - the softphone, i.e. the program, allowing to use IP-telephony. Can be configured for internet calls, including to regular phones, through the various operators Of ip-telephony (but is not compatible with skype - it uses its own private communication standard). Besides voice calls, you can video call.


Sip clients NOKIA E-series

For sip users-system are owners of mobile phones Nokia E and N series, for those who like to save especially on telephone calls.

The project sip-free advises not to miss such a possibility once again to save on long- distance and long- distance calls and completely free of charge for calls to Skype and other Voip network, traveling around the world with a pocket Nokia E or N series and accessible Wi-Fi network.

Sip clients NOKIA E-series


Talkonout - java-midlet for mobile phone, which allows to make free calls to google talk users, MSN and SIP (as well as paid - to any landline and mobile phones) with your mobile phone.

In this case you do not pay for the calls - they are on call-back technology, i.e. will be for you members - free of charge


Call without restrictions, directly from your computer

For calls from your pc, you must download and install a program (the phone), with the help of which you will be able to make calls at very advantageous tariffs, even with the SUBSTITUTION OF NUMBERS!!!

Call without restrictions, directly from your computer

SIP telephony - from hatiffone

Want to play a friend or colleague at work, and can check his girl ). We render a full spectrum of SIP services, including SUBSTITUTION PHONE NUMBER !!! Changing phone number when making calls and sending sms messages.

The company hatiffone is the only company providing such services on the changing rooms, the rest - this is our providers. Each of them, in the control panel indicated hatiffone

Location calls the from 0.001$ around the world, free of connection fee. We have the cheapest rates - even Skype rest!!! An obvious difference from a similar - it is link quality, check the below- market and opportunity SUBSTITUTION ROOMS!!!

Cheaper is only silence!

We successfully work with the next pay systems:

Copyright © 2011-2018 Hatiffone Ltd.
E-mail: [email protected]