hatiffone - it is high-quality connection,
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Novaya Fitness Options for improving the Level Security

Категория: News
We vыnuzhdenы konstatyrovat fact that the Quantity hacker attacks on Asterisk PBX type in the last 2-3 months znachytelno UVELYCHYLYS! Zloumыshlennyky, yspolzuya SPECIAL skanerы, k is like poluchayut access equipment, after which osuschestvlyayut "plums" in traffic volume of at ohromnыh number in different countries world, harantyruyuschyh receipt vozmeschenyya Calls for Inbox. Usually podobnыe Actions proyzvodyatsya night, at a time when control of the PBX co owners of the parties weakened or altogether absent. Unfortunately, prosmatryvaetsya REAL trend of increase in numbers of k wanting Get access k strange SIP-equipment.

For ysklyuchenyya podobnыh possibility of cases in the system is put into operation SPECIAL module ymeyuschyy view to Lock zvonyascheho expense or ego IP in the event osuschestvlenyya Calls, using Data expense in sip-free in oboznachennыy promezhutok time. In the event of such appointment promezhutka and Enabling Lock preferred method even when obtaining access zloumыshnnykamy k Vashem PBX at osuschestvlenyy Calls Sending SMS or expense or IP zvonyascheho will zablokyrovan in techenyy 10 minutes maximum, something predotvraschaet Using funds Vasheho expense and "plums" traffic. Inclusion and vыklyuchenye dannoy Fitness Options podtverzhdaetsya otlychnыm from the main password, something not daet opportunity vыklyuchenyya Fitness Options If even zloumыshlennyky ymeyut access k Vashem account.

As well remind you that in the excellence of many from the second VoIP-systems - sip-free operates SPECIAL ohranychytel, closing opportunity osuschestvlenyya Calls for achievements balance value, the expense, Technology and k zero, even in the event generation odnovremennыh mnozhestvennыh Calls with a SIP-room with a view "plum" traffic. In the outcome, along with Fitness Options for Blocking expense of time during the days we predostavlyaem svoym client truly nadezhnыy mechanism such zloumыshlennykov and hackers.

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SIP telephony - from hatiffone

Want to play a friend or colleague at work, and can check his girl ). We render a full spectrum of SIP services, including SUBSTITUTION PHONE NUMBER !!! Changing phone number when making calls and sending sms messages.

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