Главная > News > The system is now on the accessibility of External Join stronnyh SIP-servers!

The system is now on the accessibility of External Join stronnyh SIP-servers!

7-03-2012, 00:53. Разместил: webmaster
Vneshnyaya Register - a SIP-Register on third party servers analohychnaya Join beloved second SIP-equipment - phone, adapter, PBX.

When osuschestvlennoy vneshney Join in Calls on vneshnyy SIP-number to kotorыy been osuschestvlena vneshnyaya registration, bell act on inner SIP-number in our system. Ie If, for example, you ymeete or a straight, mobile number to third-party system (for example, Multifon), pereadresovannыy on SIP-number at some lybo Different sip-free after osuschestvlenyya vneshney rehystartsyy At this number You smozhete prynymat Calls to the number in our system of co everyone add. opportunities - pereadresatsyey, pereadresatsyey on AONu, avtootvetchyka inclusion and p

External SIP-Join accessibility menu "SIP-room."
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